Canada at War!
Speaking of fighting between Canada and the US. Did you all know that the US tried to take over Canada once and LOST? Yep, that's right. Those of you who know history know that on August 16th, 1812 (War of 1812 might ring a bell), General William Hull tried to invade Canada and was stopped at Detroit by a smaller, yet well prepared army led by Isaac Brock. I hope no one has hard feelings about this but it just goes to show you that Canadians knew how to fight at one time (we've lost our edge the last 10 years or so). Actually, little known to most, Canadians were very involved in many wars. In World War I (1914-1918), Canada (population of 8 million at the time) sent 418,000 troops and lost over 60,000. In World War II we declared war on Germany on Sept 10, 1939...yes 1939 and Canada (population of 12 million at the time) sent 1,100,000. We were allies with the US in both the Korean and Vietnamese wars and big into peace-keeping. So...my American friends...don't even think of trying to invade Canada. You may think you can over take us...but we will stop you!