Friday, December 09, 2005

Well, thanks to all your advice I'm starting to see some differences between Canadians and Americans. Maybe we aren't the same and maybe we shouldn't become one country...or should we? So...I'm making a list...and checking it twice (at least) of all the differences between Canada and the US. I need you to help think of cultural/lifestyle things that make Canadians different than Americans.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Good stuff Stewie.. Got a couple more things that came to mind..

Americans - soda
Canadians - Pop

Americans - Hoover the floor, or i've heard "sweep the floor"
Canadians - vacuume

Also, as an interesting tidbit of trivia i HEARD today in the office that when the Philosopher's Stone (as in Harry Potter) was released in the US, it was released under the name "Sorcerer's" stone. They didn't figure the Philosopher's Stone would sell in the US. Not sure on the accuracy of that one, but interesting tidbit..

At 2:54 PM, Blogger RobMcFarren said...

OK--faulty language stuff here:

I say Pop, I say sweep the floor, but most all say vacuum...

This line of conversation, really is getting to be pretty dumb. Because like was mentioned, even in the South versus the Midwest versus the East Coast (all areas I've lived) these names and words are all different. It's language, quite simply. My grandmother is Australian, which is just a whole region again. Differences between people (Canadian and US) aren't what we call certain things. A hot dog, a frank, toe-May-toe, Toe-Mah-toe, let's call the whole thing off.

Let's get to real differences. Like the CFL versus NFL. See, real important stuff. Free health care. World Power Status (yeah, and all the negative perceptions that has with it). So let's go. Bring it on...

[this message intentionally meant to be provocative and insulting, because Barry is Canadian]

At 3:35 PM, Blogger RobMcFarren said...

Oh--and I want to hear your Newfy Jokes. Heard they are all pretty funny...

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

So just had a thought. I think sometimes the reason why it is so hard for us to nail down the differences between Canada & US, is that on both sides we have cirtain "ideals" that are drilled in our heads and that we don't question, and maybe it's those very basic things that are our biggest differences. For instance, when McDeadmeat mentioned free health care - well it's not "free".. let's start there - we pay a high tax rate, but I was watching "Extreme Makeover - House Edition" last night and they were making over a "Free Health Care Clinic" in LA (or some other random place in CA). And the whole time I was thinking.. um... this is a BASIC right of human existance, is the right to go to a Dr., or to see a medical professional regardless of social position or earnings. I just don't understand any other reality (although I know it exists). I don't believe anyone should EVER be turned away, and in theory I believe the leader of a country should recieve the exact same treatment in that system as a transiant with no fixed address..

BUT i digress, i think sometimes I just miss the major differences, cause I don't understand the other side, or reality across the boarder, or do not believe that it is ethical etc. (similar thing with gun control etc), when it is those major things that TRULY make us difference.

ALthough i don't understand the rules in EITHER CFL or NFL.. Other than get the little piggy into the pointy thingy on the other end.. :)


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