Ok so I am not much into sports (except ping-pong) so I need some help here. I guess there are some differences between Canadian sports and the US. What is the difference between the CFL and the NHL and which one do you think is better? Also...is it true that the US stole/borrowed/bought the game of basketball from Canada? It was invented by a Canadian, James Naismith, in 1891. I was at the US Olympic Center here in Colorado Springs and they also attribute the invention to Naismith. Can the US just overtake our sports!!! Seems shocking to me! Hockey (at least the modern rules) was invented by Canadians but it seems like the US is about to steal that one too. So, what's next Curling???
I don't buy that argument that the Brits bought hockey over from the main land.. Have you played LaCrosse? Cause it is basically hockey.. just without the skates, I'd say it was more that the first Nation were playing lacross and some crazy canuck had the idea of putting LaCrosse on skates, and as they were falling all over the place they decided checking would be a good idea for fun..
I'd say that the place where you invent something has more to do with where the patent is given credit for - FOr example - on the CDN patent site - they give credit to the CDN's for the telephone, because at the time Alexander Graham Bell was in Cape Breton (even though I would consider him an american inventor who just used our fair country for inspiration and resources), but I guess he was neither Canadian or American, so none of us can claim him!! :)
Now hold it one second canadian Mountain Dew doesn't have caffeinen? That's like selling books without any words in them.
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